- Fake personalization in tech isn't fooling anyone
- Gaussian Discriminant Analysis, explained for human beings
- Redux action isn't dispatching? Check that you are using dispatch() or mapDispatchToProps
- Firebase Cloud Firestore permissions: don't do "allow read, write: if true;"
- An Honest Review of the Udacity React Nanodegree
- PCA, visualized for human beings
- AWS S3, CloudFront, static site updates: Remember to invalidate cache!
- Building TensorFlow from source: measuring speed improvements
- Ubuntu 17.10 and VirtualBox: Installing Windows from a Bootable USB
- Love is a religion
- Parasite's architecture is a poem about class
- If your users are behaving badly, shaming them won't help
- Be skeptical of institutions that demand sacrifice
- Objective functions: Emotional intelligence for the engineering-minded
- 3 Lessons from American Dharma
- In Quiet Defense of Anthem